Monday, April 07, 2008

Letter A


We are happy we (Demi and I) got to do the unplug project this week!
This weeks project is Books. I noticed last week that Demi forgot the sound of the letter A. She was making an eh sound instead of an ah sound for the letter a. I decided to spend some time with her reviewing letter sounds. My idea to use the unplug book project and review letter sounds was to make her a giant letter book. We used an old wallpaper book to create a special letter book.

I tore out all of the small sheets to get to the first large page. I used the small pages to cut out some letters. She decorated the letters with markers. Then I gave her a cap of glue and a paintbrush to glue the letters to the book
Here is her A page. We will add more to it all week. I will try to share a picture at the end of the week.


Evenspor said...

How cool!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I wish we had an old wallpaper book to work with. What fun! By the way, I also really liked the monster masks above, especially the teeth. A neat way to remember that "A says 'ah'"!!

Anonymous said...

We use old wallpaper books to for projects! They are awesome for cutting out flowers or animals if you get kids ones for collages and stuff :) Never thought of using them for an ABC book though, great idea!
Nature Mama

Michie said...

Looks like she's having a lot of fun with her A's! That book is a nice big size to play with too. I like the A masks too - what a cute idea!

Gottfredsen said...

As usual another great idea from you. How do you keep coming up with all this stuff? :) Oh and yes the animal book was from enchanted learning to. It is a really cute book. It tells what the animals say all day.

Amber (Bouncing Buttons) said...

Sorry everyone that it took me a week to reply to my messages. I am trying to adjust to my husband's new work schedule. Life in my house has been crazy this week. Thanks for all the kind words! I plan to keep sharing pages of her book as we move along the alphabet again. If she gets tired of doing it we will put it aside for a few weeks. I hope to keep her interested long enough to finish the book.