Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our floor map

I thought I should post an update on our map before I forget all about it. We are close to being done but I need to take new pictures. I am posting our pictures from a few days ago. We let my little one color ALL over it. We are all OK with this. I don't ever care if things are all perfect. The reason we did this was so we could go on a fun trip to the north pole. KWIM? I wanted my little on to have more of a part in it so I am having her tear blue tissue paper and glue it on for the oceans. I am using a glue stick with her to keep the mess down. My son wanted to glue some of the ocean and I just handed him the tissue paper and liquid Elmer's glue.

Picture above and below are both pictures of my youngest child's scribbles.

The 2 pictures below show our tissue paper ocean.

My children like the sound and the feel of walking barefoot on our crinkly Oceans.

I will have to post a picture of what it looks like now. My son did some of the ocean with no waves. It is a one of a kind world map! I think we only have 1 continent to color and then we need to label it.

The maps we printed out from I know I wrote that a week or two ago just in case someone didn't' see that message I wrote it again. It doesn't look like blogger is making this a click able link. You can go down to my post last week. I think it is the one that shows my hubby putting together our map. You will see a clickable link (I hope).

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